If you privately manage your rental, you could find it might be much more beneficial to have someone else do it for you. You might have a tenant who always pays on time, never complains, and has never reported an issue. However, it is always better to be safe than sorry. This is not to say you cannot successfully manage your investment yourself, as many people do. There are also many cases of landlords doing it themselves and suffering from endless issues. We just want to shed some light on the positives and benefits of hiring a property manager.
Tenant selections.
Very often landlords will let relatives, friends or people they know rent their property. Now, we aren’t saying this is a bad idea, because it can be a great experience. But there are many occasions when these people are not the best choice, considering it is your investment in their hands. It can be hard to demand rent, damage expenses and much more if you have a personal relationship instead of a professional one. Property managers will maintain a professional relationship and ensure that even if something goes wrong, it is taken care of in the right way.
Reliable tenants.
Further to the tenant selections, it can be hard to say no to people you may know. But let’s say you choose someone you don’t personally know. You still might end up in a pickle, especially if you do not have the right resources to check the new tenant(s) history. Things like tenancy history and blacklisting databases, fraudulent documents, verifying employment and sourcing references may not be on your list of what to check. Good property managers are taught exactly how to check these things, and have databases that can access that information. They check all of these things to ensure you have a reliable tenant caring for your property.
Inspections and Maintenance.
Conducting inspections and ensuring your investment is cared for is crucial. They can be time consuming, and there could be things you might miss. Property Managers will inspect the property and provide you with a full report generally including photos. They will also look for any maintenance issues, to make sure they are being reported. Any maintenance found or reported is dealt directly with the Property Manager. This again leaves you with more time, and can sometimes save you money. The agency will normally have direct tradesmen and have good relationships, this can be financially beneficial if they have discounted prices you might not get elsewhere.
A good property manager will invest in good technological systems to ensure that you will remain compliant with all legislation and paperwork requirements. A lot of Landlords do not understand how to keep a rent ledger, and this can catch them out significantly if it comes to claiming rent arrears or with any disputes regarding rent and water.
If the tenant decides they wish to leave the property earlier than the agreed date, it can be stressful. However, if you do have a Property Manager they will organise this for you, dealing with the legality and ensuring everything is done correctly. They also conduct outgoing inspections, which can help if the tenant has caused any damage.
Rental advice and maximising your profit.
It is great to have someone in the industry to be able to provide advice, accurate information and discuss any fluctuation in the market. Unfortunately if you manage the property yourself it can be difficult to know exactly how much you should charge. Property Managers will do all the nitty gritty, letting you know what the increase should be along with notifying the tenant. It can be a difficult conversation to have, as it can upset the tenant. This provides a middle man and lets you make the best financial decision for you without the guilt.
All in all, Property Managers are there to maximise your profit, ensure a smooth investment experience and make it easier for you. It can be tough without that middleman who specialises in the field, especially if you get stuck. Some landlords prefer to do it their way and that’s okay. We are not here to tell you that you have to have someone manage your property, we just want to tell you the benefits and why it could be the best choice for you.
The following advice is of a general nature only and intended as a broad guide. The advice should not be regarded as legal, financial or real estate advice. You should make your own inquiries and obtain independent professional advice tailored to your specific circumstances before making any legal, financial or real estate decisions.
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